Updated February 2025.
Litchborough Gardening Club started in 2013; we are a friendly group with an interest in extending our gardening skills and knowledge and at the same time promoting conservation and environmentally-friendly activity.
We offer a range of activities for people who live in the village and nearby. Typically we have a monthly talk or garden visit.
The club is keen to promote conservation and we initiated the Elm Tree Project in 2014 and have planted 2 English elm trees in the village. We had the opportunity to create a small garden at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in 2017 and an elm tree was the centrepiece of our display. We are very grateful to the Parish Council and also to South Northants Council for the grants which contributed to the cost of putting together this garden, an ambitious project for such a small club but we felt it was a worthwhile exercise, drawing attention to the plight of the English elm as well as advertising our Gardening Club.
In 2018 it was decided, because of the rising costs of speakers and the club’s limited resources, that we would join together with the Maidford in the Garden for some meetings. This has been very successful, especially as we have been given such a warm welcome by their members.
In 2018/19 we organised Open Gardens in Litchborough and hope to again in the future.
The club planted and maintains the borders around the War Memorial.
In 2024, a new programme of exciting events took place with interesting speakers, trips to Hampton Court Flower show etc and our 2nd Open garden which raised money for the club as well as the Church Fabric Trust here in the village. There were 11 gardens opens in total.
In 2025,we have opened with an actioned packed programme of speakers that look at wildlife to individual plants. We have booked trips to BBC Gardeners World Live in Birmingham as well as Kew Gardens later in the year.
New members ( Visitors) are always welcome. The annual subscription is £15 per person and visitors are £7 each session
We do a raffle each session to raise funds for transport for our trips.
All our monthly events can be found on our Facebook page – Litchborough Gardening Club – or check out our calendar for events
For more information on the club, please contact Teresa Cox teresacoxuk@yahoo.com 07962 925709 or Diane Shaw on dianejones1967@hotmail.com