Updated: March 7th 2025
(latest news and imminent events are shown first and older, but still current, news follows)
- Please see Parish Notice of Election 2025 of Parish Councillors on 1st May 2025
- Tuesday March 18th 2025 Parish Council Meeting at 7 pm, Litchborough Village Hall
Everyone welcome! - Every Tuesday in term time from 9:30 to 11:00am: Children’s Play Group, Litchborough Village Hall
- Every Monday at 11:00am and Wednesday at 6:00pm: Yoga, Litchborough Village Hall
- 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm: Youth Club, Litchborough Village Hall
- 2nd Friday of every month from 10:30 to 12:00 noon: Litchborough Ladies, various locations
- Last Friday of every month from 3:00 to 5:00pm: Community Cuppa, Litchborough Village Hall, everyone welcome
For more information see the Calendar
Here is the January/February edition of the full NCALC Update – download your copy at https://www.northantscalc.gov.uk/eupdate
Here 7.3.25 is the latest weekly update from Danny Moody at Northants County Association of Local Councils
Don’t forget that you can book our lovely Village Hall for parties, events, meetings. Here are the details, rates and how to book.
Now it’s turning colder, if you want to see the gritting schedule, here is the Twitter link.
Here is an update on the Litchborough Gardening Community and Allotment Group from Teresa Cox and Vivienne Green
Every month, West Northants issue a Town and Parish Briefing. Here is a link to their Town and Parish help centre and at the bottom of this page you can find recent Town and Parish Briefings.
If you’re interested in local and Litchborough Planning Applications, a link can be found on the Parish Council page.
There are a few Coronation mugs left, they are free to every child in the village of 16 and under or can be purchased for £5 each. If you haven’t yet claimed your child’s mug or would like to buy one, please contact Sandy Aked-Walker (01327 830077 : dg2010@btinternet.com) or Gareth Lugar-Mawson (01327 830219 : lugarmawson@msn.com).
If you would like to check closures, roadworks, weight or other the restrictions on the roads the one.network site can be used. Just input the area of interest (e.g. Litchborough, Towcester), or allow it to use your current location and then select ‘today’ or another future time period as required.
For those not local, you can read our fun local newsletter December 2024
Here is the a link to the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commission site where you can read about their performance, plans and latest news.
See what’s on at the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery here.
Towcester Area Door To Door (TADD) is always in need of volunteer drivers! Please get in touch with them and sign up if you can help.
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau are available to provide guidance at the Towcester Food Bank open sessions.
We have a community bus service provided by Ability, more information can be found on their website.
Litchborough Walkers and walking in Northamptonshire. Lindsey (01327 830318) and Val (01327 831162) continue to walk on a Wednesday morning at 9:30am and everyone is welcome but please call in advance. Also, the walking in England website has a section for Northants, so do take a look.
Here is information about hedgehogs and how to conserve them in the ‘Britain’s ‘National-Hedgehog-Conservation-Strategy
Here are details of our Neighbourhood Police Team. Please note the Twitter and Facebook links should you wish to follow them. Here is the link to the website including crime statistics and much more.
Age UK Northamptonshire have asked us to remind parishioners of the services that are available to them in our area. There are also a number of activities and events that you may be interested in.
Did you know, private landowners who are the victims of fly-tipping can apply for a grant to help cover the cost of removing it. Here are the full details.
Towcester Community Food (TowFood) is a community larder network that partner with local supermarkets, businesses and food surplus providers to reduce food waste and distribute affordable food throughout the community.
South Northants Council are very keen to help residents with housing or money concerns. Are you worried about paying your rent, or losing your home? If so …
Are you looking after someone, as an unpaid carer? If so, you may be interested in the support provided by Northampton Carers. Details here.